Romanian AI Days, dedicated to the Artificial Intelligence community in Romania, aims to provide a venue for learning and networking for all those interested in AI and related fields (from beginners to experts, academic and industry practitioners, freelancers, students of any level, etc), and to better connect the AI community in Romania to the international community.
The event consists of two days of keynotes on recent advancements in the field, round tables (on community, public policies, startups), poster session with presentations from junior practitioners, and ample opportunities for networking.
New this year: Competition for best PhD / Master's / Bachelor's thesis in an AI-related field. Check Competition for details.
Press release (coming soon)
Last seats available (only 50 spots left).
Standard: 250 RON (50 EUR)
Student: 100 RON (20 EUR)
Registration is free for poster presenters (see below).
Please fill in this form to register for the event and pay the registration fee.
Location: PRECIS building (Politehnica University of Bucharest, Iuliu Maniu entrance)
Satellite event: LLM for Romanian Workshop (half day, Saturday, Sept 28th)
Organized by ILDS, at Popa Tatu 18 (Bucharest)
Free registration by September 24th
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR)
IST Austria
Sorbonne University
University of Bucharest
University of Trento
University of Copenhagen
Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Meta GenAI
Industry keynotes
Morningstar Sustainalytics
Education in AI (TBD)
AI Ecosystem and Public Policies (TBD)
AI in Business and Startups (TBD)
Poster session
We encourage Master / PhD students / junior practitioners to submit a poster to present their ML research work during a poster session.
Poster format: PNG, max 3MB, PORTRAIT, A0 size. Presentation at the event is subject to selection. See here guidelines for creating a poster.
Please submit your poster through the registration form.
Travel grants are available for poster presenters who need financial support.
Deadline for poster submission: 12 September 2024, 23:59 Romania Time.
Alexandru Sorici, Politehnica Bucharest & ARIA
Elena Burceanu, Bitdefender
Gabriel Prefac, RBL & Ageto Consulting
Răzvan Pașcanu, EEML & DeepMind
Sorin Grigorescu, RovisLab & Transilvania Univ.
Traian Rebedea, NVIDIA & Politehnica Bucharest
Viorica Pătrăucean, EEML DeepMind
Best Romanian AI Thesis contest (BRAIT): Emanuela Haller, UIPath and Florin Brad, Bitdefender
Partner institutions
If you are interested in supporting the event, please get in touch at contact at airomania dot eu to learn about the benefits for sponsors.
Best poster awards - BraȘov 2023
(alphabetical order by first name)
Alina Marcu (IMAR, Politehnica University of Bucharest) - Self-supervised hypergraphs for learning multiple world interpretations
Emanuela Haller (Bitdefender) - Environment-biased feature ranking for novelty detection robustness
Florin Condrea (IMAR, Siemens) - Anatomically-aware dual-hop learning for pulmonary embolism detection in CT pulmonary angiograms
Iulia-Renata Sirbu (Politehnica University of Bucharest) - Clinical report generation powered by Machine Learning
Marius Dragomir (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca) - Resilience to pruning in Deep RL
Mihai Cristian Pirvu (IMAR, Politehnica University of Bucharest) - Multi-layer hypergraphs for semi-supervised learning using Earth observations
Radu Flesar (West University of Timișoara) - Patient gait monitoring classification for Parkinson's disease